Simple, straightforward pricing
Our product brings you clarity and understanding, and our pricing should do the same. Choose a plan that matches your needs.
Current integrations

Questions, answered.
Frequently asked questions about our activity analysis platform.
How do I calculate company size?
This is the number of persons (people using your systems including employees, contractors, etc) in your org.
What happens if my company size changes?
We will periodically true up your account as outlined in the Terms and Conditions. In general, though, small changes are totally fine. If you end up with a large delta, through M&A for example, we’ll reach out to you.
Can I add more analysts?
If you are enrolled in Investigator or Enterprise and need more than the 10 already allocated, contact us for information.
Are there other options for billing and payment?
We are currently only doing annual contracts, but can bill on a quarterly or annual basis. Payment is accepted via credit card or ACH. We can bill you on Net 30 terms via a PO if you need that too.
If I am enrolled in Investigator or Enterprise will I have access to new integrations as they are released?
Yes! We want you to use as much of our product as you can. It’s better for you and better for us. Also, if you have ideas on other products we should integrate with, let us know.