Introducing Turngate's Early Access Program

TL;DR - We are launching our free early access program. If you’re interested start here.
Turngate is finally ready for the world to try our product out.
- 18 months of work
- 2,523 Pull Requests
- Millions of SaaS audit records
- 6 rubber gators and 6 rubber crayfish
- Uncountable All Hands, Zoom meetings, and Slack huddles
- Lots of valuable feedback from early stage users and design partners
…we think we’re ready. Probably. Highly likely.
So What Is it?
Turngate is a tool designed to help bring visibility to your SaaS activity. We really mean multiple definitions to “visibility” here; we’ve developed novel visualization techniques to help you find the data you’re looking for faster, and we’ve also simplified the process of getting into your logs to give you clarity into what’s happening in your SaaS environment.
Turngate pulls in entitlement information and activity logs from your SaaS providers and presents all that information in one interface. Phishing investigations, IT troubleshooting, and SaaS user account audits can all be streamlined with Turngate. And honestly it’s just an easy way to collect and analyze your SaaS audit logs regardless of use case. Most of our integrations use Oauth so with a few button pushes your audit logs can be sent and stored by us for when you need them.
Looking for more info on what we’re building and why? Check out Bruce’s blog post.
Why Now?
There’s always trepidation of when to let the public access your product. Are the features sufficient, will it stand up to the use and abuse of the user base, and what about all the things left that we want to build. Well, like most product companies the list of things we want to build will continue to grow. The question is really “is it useful and usable for our customers?” We are at the point we feel the answer is a resounding “yes.”
Here’s the deal. We’re inviting folks to give Turngate a try through our Early Access program. This is a limited time offer, so be sure to sign up while the signing up is good. We may turn the program off if we get enough interest. (There’s your sense of urgency required for any blog post / call to action).
What Do I Get?
Our Early Access program includes:
- Free access for 45 days
- Access to all our integrations (currently 7, but we’re working on more. If you’ve got SaaS logs that you’re interested in integrating with Turngate, let us know)
- 30 days of lookback (ie: we’ll pull in up to 30 days of historical logs if your provider has them)
That’s it. Pretty simple, at least we hope it is. If you’ve sign up today, expect the product to be different in a month. We’re continuing to work to bring new features to the platform, incorporate user feedback, and in general experiment with ideas on how to make Turngate easier to use.
Still interested? Then check out more of the features here and information on signing up. As always, we’re open to feedback so let us know how the process goes for you.
Welcome aboard, Turngator. We’re happy to have you along for the journey.
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